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prostate cancer treatment in Turkey

Prostate cancer that is detected early. Especially when it is still present in the prostate gland, he has a high chance of recovery.

Art Of Ramedy
Advantages of Prostate Cancer Treatment in Turkey

Here are the main advantages of prostate cancer treatment in Turkey by the best urologist in Istanbul.

The cost of prostate cancer treatment in Turkey is low compared to other countries and suitable for all patients.

The cost of prostate cancer treatment in Turkey is low compared to other countries and suitable for all patients.

All prostate cancer treatment techniques in Turkey are available, whether traditional techniques or modern techniques.

All prostate cancer treatment techniques in Turkey are available, whether traditional techniques or modern techniques.

While receiving prostate cancer treatment in Turkey, visit the country's archaeological landmarks. Turkey is a beautiful tourist country.

While receiving prostate cancer treatment in Turkey, visit the country's archaeological landmarks. Turkey is a beautiful tourist country.

Turkey is one of the first countries to offer the best international surgeries now.

There are a large number of centers and hospitals equipped with the best modern technologies for the treatment of prostate cancer in Turkey.

Different methods and methods of treatment. Turkey and its centers will provide you with effective treatment for prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer that is diagnosed early. at the stage when it is still present in the prostate gland, has a high chance of successful treatment.


Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a cancer of the prostate gland. It is a small walnut-shaped gland that produces semen that contributes to the nutrition and transport of sperm.

Many types of prostate cancer grow slowly and are limited to the prostate gland. and may not cause serious damage. You may need little or no treatment, as other types of prostate cancer may spread quickly.


 Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

One of the most prominent symptoms of prostate cancer:

  • Problem urinating.
  • Impaired flow of the urethra.
  • The appearance of blood in the urine.
  • The presence of blood in the semen.
  • Bone pain.
  • Weight loss.
  • Erectile dysfunction.


Causes of prostate cancer

There are many causes of prostate cancer, including:

  • Awareness

Awareness of the risk factors for prostate cancer is an important element .that can motivate one to get screened for prostate cancer in its early stages.

  • lifetime

When you exceed the age of 50, the risk of prostate cancer increases.

  • Family medical history

If a relative has prostate cancer, the risk of developing it increases.

  • Nutrition

Fat-dependent men and overweight men have a risk of prostate cancer, and fat encourages the production of testosterone. which can contribute to the production of cancer cells.

  • Elevated testosterone levels

Since testosterone stimulates the growth of the prostate gland. those who rely on testosterone for their treatment are more likely to develop prostate cancer than men with low testosterone levels.

Doctors also suggest that testosterone therapy may stimulate the spread of prostate cancer if present. and prolonged testosterone therapy may lead to enlarged prostate gland.


prostate cancer treatment in Turkey


Complications of  Prostate Cancer

Complications from prostate cancer may be caused by the disease itself or as a result of receiving treatment. as some treatments cause them the problem of premature ejaculation or the inability to achieve the erection necessary for sexual intercourse. The most common complications that accompany prostate cancer include:

  • Depression.
  • Cancer has spread to other organs.
  • Pains.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Erectile dysfunction or complete impotence.


Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in Turkey

When one of the symptoms of prostate cancer appears, the patient must visit a doctor, to do some tests, most notably:

  •  Prostate-specific antigen test

PSA is a glycoprotein produced by normal and cancerous prostate cells. where it can also be elevated in benign prostate diseases.

It is not only possible to rely on specific prostate examination to diagnose prostate cancer. because it is higher in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. so it is not an accurate examination.

  • Digital rectal examination

The doctor inserts his finger, covered with a glove and lubricant. into the rectum, to examine the prostate as the prostate is located in front of the rectal wall.

The doctor evaluates the prostate and determines whether there is hardness or asymmetry. most often the presence of lumps in the prostate cannot be determined by this procedure because:

  • The mass is too small to be found through this procedure.
  • The lump is located on another side of the prostate that cannot be found through this procedure.
  • Taking a biopsy of the prostate

Biopsy is the primary criterion in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. and it is diagnosed based on the tissue result taken from the biopsy sample.


Prostate Cancer Treatment in Turkey

Choosing the best treatment method depends on several factors, including:

  • The speed of growth of the cancerous tumor.
  • And to what extent the tumor has spread.
  • The age of the man.
  • Pros and cons related to each treatment.

The most commonly used treatments for prostate cancer include:

  • Radiation therapy

In radiation therapy, X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells, this type of radiation has the ability to destroy cancer cells but may attack healthy tissue.

Complications from radiation therapy include:

  • Difficulties urinating.
  • Loose stools and bloody stools.
  • Feeling tight during bowel work.
  • Implantation of a radioactive implant inside the prostate gland

The method of implanting a radioactive implant inside the prostate gland has become a popular treatment method for treating prostate cancer.

This implant is called radiation therapy. which uses ionizing radiation, where the radiation source is placed at a short distance and close to the treating organ. and gives a much larger dose of radiation than external radiation therapy for a longer period of time.

This treatment method is used to treat a small to medium-sized cancerous tumor, and the degree of the disease is low.

Complications of implantation of a radioactive implant include:

  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Side effects when having sex.
  • symptoms.
  • Hormonal treatments

It aims to prevent the body from producing the male hormone (testosterone), which can help produce cancer cells.

Hormone therapy has some side effects including:

  • Enlarged breasts.
  • Cessation of libido.
  • Impotence.
  • Fever.
  • Overweight.
  • Decreased muscle mass and bone mass.
  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Prostate gland resection

Prostate gland removal is a surgical method performed to treat a cancerous tumor that is still present inside the prostate gland.

During the procedure, some techniques are used to remove the prostate gland and its adjacent lymph nodes. this procedure can affect the muscles and nerves that control the process of urination and sexual ability.

There are two ways to remove the prostate gland:

  • Surgery above the pubic line.
  • Perineal surgery, which is the area between the anus and the scrotum.

One of the most important effects of prostatectomy is impotence.

  • Other treatments include:
  • Chemical treatment.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Gene therapy.


prostate cancer treatment in Turkey


Prevention of prostate cancer

We can't prevent prostate cancer. but many tips can be followed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer or limit the progression of the disease, including:

  • Healthy nutrition.
  • Practice physical activity regularly.


cost of prostate cancer treatment in Turkey

Turkey has a very high level of extensive experience of its doctors, the infrastructure of its hospitals and the medical services it provides. In addition, the cost of prostate cancer treatment in Turkey is very low compared to other countries.


We have shed light on everything related to prostate cancer in Turkey. For more information about prostate cancer treatment in Turkey. You can request a free and instant consultation by contacting the best urologist in Istanbul. You can book an appointment to visit Medicsey Center using our website. With more than 30 years of experience, our medical staff strives to provide the best results at the best acceptable prices.


read more: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment


Prostate Cancer Treatment
Determining the Prevalence of Prostate Cancer

After prostate cancer is diagnosed, some other tests may be done to determine the extent of the cancerous tumor. This is done through the following:



Computed tomography.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Biopsy of the lymph gland.

  • Is prostate cancer dangerous?

    Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that grows slowly, and often does not accompany any symptoms until it is in an advanced stage. However, prostate cancer is dangerous once prostate cancer has spread in the body, so it is recommended to make an early diagnosis of prostate cancer in a form.

  • Is there a relationship between prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction?

    There is a strong relationship between prostate cancer and erection, the prostate gland is located near the blood vessels, and the muscles responsible for erections. Various cancer treatments such as surgery or radiation therapy damage the cells in these areas, making the process of erection difficult, while hormone therapy lowers the level of testosterone in the body, so the man loses sexual desire during sex.

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