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Laser eye surgery in Turkey | Medicsey

Our eyes are one of the most sensitive and fragile organs in the human body, so any procedure on them, like laser eye surgery turkey, should be very precise. These procedures have become very prevalent nowadays, and have helped a really large number of people regain their normal sight.

Art Of Remedy
Is laser eye surgery in turkey worth the risks?

It’s normal that every surgery has its risks, no matter how simple it is. However, you deserve to live better and see the world in the way that you should. Our eyes are a blessing, and laser eye surgery turkey has many pros with very few cons that will help you regain your optimal vision.

There is a very important thing that could be avoided by this surgery. Many people who wear contact lenses may suffer from a reduced supply of oxygen to the cornea. their eyelids might also have an impaired ability to clean the surface of the eye naturally.

There is a very important thing that could be avoided by this surgery. Many people who wear contact lenses may suffer from a reduced supply of oxygen to the cornea. their eyelids might also have an impaired ability to clean the surface of the eye naturally.

The recovery after this surgery is fast; you will notice an improvement in your vision within a few hours after the surgery. And you will be able to get back to your normal life the next day after the surgery.

The recovery after this surgery is fast; you will notice an improvement in your vision within a few hours after the surgery. And you will be able to get back to your normal life the next day after the surgery.

You can get rid of glasses and contact lenses forever because only patients who have to wear them know how hard it is to wear them all the time. And how they can forbid you from many sports and activities.

You can get rid of glasses and contact lenses forever because only patients who have to wear them know how hard it is to wear them all the time. And how they can forbid you from many sports and activities.

The rate of successful surgeries and satisfied patients is 99-100%. Another thing is that there has not been any case of blindness after LASIK surgery. And most people said that the side effects were very tolerable.

The rate of successful surgeries and satisfied patients is 99-100%. Another thing is that there has not been any case of blindness after LASIK surgery. And most people said that the side effects were very tolerable.


The patients here have problems seeing close and distant things, or one of them.

This condition usually appears at birth, and it may be associated with nearsightedness or farsightedness.

The symptoms include blurry vision, eyestrain, an uncomfortable sense, headaches, difficulty in night vision, and long staring.

Can be treated by LASIK, PRK, or SMILE procedures.

Nearsightedness (myopia)

The patient can only see close things.

This condition usually appears in childhood and adolescence and becomes more stable between the ages of 20 and 40.

The symptoms include blurry vision when looking at distant things, the need to close the eyes repeatedly to see more clearly, headaches, and eyestrain.

Can be treated by LASIK, PRK, or SMILE procedures.

Farsightedness (hyperopia)

The patient can only see far things.

This condition usually appears at birth, and it’s different from presbyopia.

The symptoms blurry vision when looking at distant things, the need to make the eyes half-closed to see more clearly. A sense of pain or burn in the eye, eyestrain, headaches, and an uncomfortable sense in the eyes after reading or using the computer, for example.

Can be treated by LASIK or PRK procedures.

What are the conditions that need laser eye surgery Turkey?

Normally, vision happens when the rays of light pass through the cornea and the lens of the eyes, and it’s necessary for these rays to make a flexion or fracture in order to be gathered and concentrated in the back part of the eye, especially on the retina of the eye. After that, the retina transforms these light rays into nervous messages, which are transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain, which then analyzes and interprets them in the image that the person sees.

So, when there is a flaw in this process, this could lead to several different conditions.

The conditions are:

Nearsightedness (myopia): The patients here can only see close things clearly, whereas near things appear foggy. The reasons include the severe curvature of the cornea or the excess length of the eye. Normally, the light rays should concentrate in the back part of the retina, but in this condition, they concentrate in front of it instead.

This condition usually appears in childhood and adolescence and becomes more stable between the ages of 20 and 40. It could be treated with glasses or lenses, and it could need laser eye surgery turkey.

Farsightedness (hyperopia): The patients here can only see distant things clearly, whereas close things appear foggy. The reasons include the unnatural smallness of the cornea or the excess shortness of the eye. Normally, the light rays concentrate on the cornea, but in this condition, they concentrate on the back of it instead.

This condition usually appears at birth, and it could be treated with glasses or lenses, or it could need laser eye surgery turkey.

This condition must be distinguished from presbyopia, which is a progressive loss of the ability to see close objects with age. It usually starts in the early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until about 65 years old.

Astigmatism: The patients here have problems seeing close and distant things, or one of them. The reasons include the uneven curves of the front surface of the eye (the cornea), or the inner lens, in addition to that, the cornea has an uneven shape (convex shape in some places and flat shape in others).

This condition usually appears at birth, and it may be associated with nearsightedness or farsightedness. It could be treated with glasses or lenses, or it could need laser eye surgery turkey.


What is the laser eye surgery turkey

As we said before, vision defects happen because of defects in the cornea and the length of the eye, so laser rays in laser eye surgery turkey are used to fix these defects and give the cornea a new form, in order to make it able to make the light rays concentrate properly again.


What are the types of laser eye surgery Turkey?

Almost all types of laser eye surgery turkey involve reforming the surface of the eye, or the internal part of the cornea, to improve the refraction of the light to the retina and make vision clearer.

Laser-assisted in situ keratectomy(LASIK): This technique was approved by the FDA in 1999, and more than 90% of patients who underwent this procedure had great results. This procedure changes the form of the cornea permanently by the excimer laser. They use a mechanical microkeratome (a blade device) or a laser keratome (a laser device) to cut the surface part of the cornea so the middle part becomes apparent, then they use a computer-controlled laser to change some parts of the surface and middle cornea, and by doing so, it can be able to refract the light properly again.

In order to be able to undergo a laser eye surgery turkey (LASIK procedure), the patient:

  • Must be older than 18 years old.
  • Must have a refractive error that isn’t changing.
  • Must not have presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness.
  • Must not have other eye conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, keratoconus, or severe dry eye.
  • Must not have a history of some eye infections.
  • Must not have underlying health problems like high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • Must not have very thin corneas.
  • Must not have an aversion to surgeries.


Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK): This technique is used for people with thin corneas or chronic dry eyes, who can’t undergo LASIK. Also, if the patient has a very active lifestyle or job, PRK is a better choice than LASIK because it doesn’t involve cutting a part of the cornea like other procedures, whereas patients with such lifestyles or activities may displace the part of the cornea that had been cut and fixed.

In this procedure, they use a special tool to remove the outer layer of the cornea, called epithelium. Then the patient stares at a target light where the laser changes the shape of the cornea, and the cornea will be able to refract the light properly again.

In order to be able to undergo a laser eye surgery turkey (PRK procedure), the patient:

  • Must be older than 18 years old (older than 21 years old is better).
  • Has an eye prescription that should not have changed in the last year.
  • Has a refractive error that can be treated by PRK.
  • Has healthy corneas and overall healthy eyes.
  • Must not have an unstable refractive error.
  • Must not have skin or other illnesses that might affect the healing process.
  • Must not have a history of multiple scarring.
  • Must not have corneal scars or illnesses.
  • Must not have advanced glaucoma.
  • Must not have a cataract that affects vision.
  • Must not have uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Must not be a pregnant or nursing woman.
  • Must not have a history of eye infections.


Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): This technique was first approved by the FDA in 2016 for spherical myopic correction, and approval for the other types of myopia and astigmatism was given in 2018. In this procedure, they make a 2-3 mm incision, which is used to extract the whole corneal lenticule that is made by the laser, so they don’t need to cut the cornea, and by doing so, the shape of the cornea is reshaped. This procedure has some features over LASIK, like faster recovery of post-op dry eye, reinnervation of corneal nerves, and a potential biomechanical advantage.

In order to be able to undergo a laser eye surgery turkey (SMILE procedure), the patient:

  • Must not have any ocular disease and must be in good health generally.
  • Must be 21 years old or older.
  • Must have had a lens or glasses prescription for the past two years.
  • Must not have significant scarring in the cornea.
  • Must not be a pregnant or nursing woman.
  • Must not be taking specific treatments like immune suppressants and steroids.
  • Must not have an autoimmune disease, uncontrolled diabetes, slow healing, or a collagen vascular disorder.
  • Must not have certain eye viruses like herpes zoster and herpes simplex.
  • Must not have a history of eye problems like strabismus (muscle imbalance), severe dry eyes, amblyopia (lazy eye), previous eye injury, previous eye surgery, or any active eye conditions or recurrent, residual eye conditions.


Laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK): It was first applied in 1996, and it’s considered a good alternative for patients who can’t undergo LASIK or PRK. This procedure is performed by applying a diluted alcohol solution (18--20%) to the cornea and then detaching the surface epithelium layer. This would create a very thing opening through which they could reshape the cornea.

This procedure has some advantages over LASIK, like no complications due to the cut part and a lower risk of ectasia. However, there are some disadvantages too, like post-operative pain and discomfort, slow visual rehabilitation, subepithelial haze, a higher risk of persistent epithelial defect, and a higher risk of microbial keratitis.


Epithelial laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (Epi-LASIK): This procedure is approximately like normal LASIK, but with one advantage: in this procedure, they cut a very thin part of the cornea, which makes it preferable for patients with very thin or irregularly shaped corneas who can’t undergo normal LASIK. However, there are some disadvantages to LASIK, like the fact that this procedure takes longer to heal and also results in more discomfort than normal LASIK.

The patients start noticing the difference in vision after a month, and the total recovery happens after approximately three months.


What happens before, during, and after laser eye surgery turkey

Before laser eye surgery turkey: If the patient used to wear lenses, he should switch to glasses before the start of the medical evaluation (soft lenses before two weeks, toric or rigid lenses before three weeks, and hard lenses before four weeks). The reason is that contact lenses change the shape of the cornea for several weeks after stopping wearing them. Then, the doctor starts to evaluate the eye condition in order to know how much corneal tissue to remove, and this evaluation is repeated a week after the first one and before the laser eye surgery turkey. The doctor performs a thorough eye exam to determine: if the patient can undergo this procedure; the risks, benefits, and alternatives of it; what the patient would expect from the surgery; and what the patient must do. The patient must tell the doctor about any health conditions or medications, in addition to any allergies to a specific type of medication. The day before surgery, the patient must stop using creams, lotions, makeup, and perfumes.

During laser eye surgery turkey: The operation takes less than 30 minutes; they numb the eye and clean the space around it. Then, they apply very high pressure on the cornea; meanwhile, the vision will dim in addition to feeling pressure and uncomfortable. After that, they start the cutting phase, followed by the laser application phase, in which the patient is asked to stare at a light. At the end of the laser eye surgery turkey (LASIK procedure), they put a shield on the eye to protect it from rubbing or putting pressure on it.

After laser eye surgery turkey: The doctor gives the patient specific eye drops to prevent any infection and lubricate the eye. Right after the laser eye surgery turkey (LASIK procedure), the eye may begin to burn, itch, and feel as if something is in it. In some cases, there might be a feeling of pain, which could be relieved with some painkillers. Both eyes may tear, and the vision might be blurry or hazy. Some patients may experience sensitivity to light and glare. These symptoms should disappear gradually within the first few days of the operation. However, if the symptoms become worse or the pain feels severe, the patient must contact the doctor immediately.

The vision might fluctuate during the first few months (up to six months) after the operation, which is normal.


Can laser eye surgery turkey (LASIK) change the eye color?

The eye color comes from the pigment in the iris, which is called melanin, and that pigment is determined by the genes. LASIK can’t change the eye color because it has nothing to do with this pigment.


Which laser eye surgery turkey should I undergo?

Many studies have been conducted to determine the characteristics of these three procedures and the pros and cons of each one. They came to a conclusion, which is that the visual outcomes from these operations are approximately the same. They may differ in some post-operative effects and the time that each procedure takes to give the patient a complete recovery. The patient should consult the doctor, who could tell him which type of laser eye surgery turkey is the most suitable for his condition.


Laser Procedure





Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and Astigmatism

Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and Astigmatism

Nearsightedness and Astigmatism


Older than 18 years old.

Stable error.

Have healthy eyes and overall good health.

No history of scarring in the corneas.

The corneas must not be very thin.

Older than 18 years old.

Stable error.

Have healthy eyes and overall good health.

No history of scarring in the corneas.

Older than 21 years old.

Stable error.

Have healthy eyes and overall good health.

No history of scarring in the corneas.

Procedure Time

Around 15 minutes per eye

Usually shorter than LASIK

About 30 minutes per eye


Eye drops for numbing the eye

Eye drops for numbing the eye

Eye drops for numbing the eye

Possible Side Effects

Dry eyes, halos, glare, infection, flap complications

Longer initial recovery, potential haze formation, infection, corneal scarring

Dry eyes, halos, glare, infection, corneal abrasions 

Recovery Time

1-2 days for initial recovery, several weeks for complete healing

1-2 weeks for initial recovery, several months for complete healing

1-2 days for initial recovery, several weeks for complete healing

Vision Recovery

Rapid vision recovery, with improved vision within hours

Gradual vision improvement over time

Gradual vision improvement over time


Laser eye surgery turkey cost

  • Laser eye surgery turkey price for LASEK is the lowest among the others.
  • Laser eye surgery cost turkey for Epi-LASIK is the second-lowest among the others.
  • Laser eye surgery turkey cost for LASIK and PRK is very close.
  • Laser eye surgery turkey cost for SMILE is approximately the most expensive one.


Medicsey in Turkey

We all know that the eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, so we need to take very good care of them. Here at medicsey, we ensure you that we can provide you with the best team and equipment for laser eye surgery turkey, and laser eye surgery istanbul. The team of laser eye surgery turkey Istanbul in medicsey educates the patients with all the information they need to know before laser eye surgery turkey, and it stays in touch with them after the procedure until full recovery. We believe that health is the most precious treasure that people have, and we take very good care of it. As for the laser eye surgery turkey istanbul price, it's affordable for everyone through medicsey. So, the whole laser eye surgery turkey packages are available in medicsey.

Laser Eye Surgery
Art of remedy

What are the important recommendations after LASIK surgeries?

The patient must visit the doctor within 24--48 hours of the LASIK procedure and must make regular visits within the first six months at least.

If the patient needs another procedure, he must wait until the eye measurements become consistent for two consecutive visits at least 3 months apart before the re-operation.

The patient must not apply any makeup, lotions, or anything else on the eye for at least two weeks or according to the doctor’s instructions.

The patient must not attempt any sport like boxing, football, karate, etc. for at least four weeks or according to the doctor’s instructions.

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