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Kidney transplant in Turkey

The kidneys have an essential function of filtering waste and fluid from the blood and eliminating them by excreting them along with urine. And when you lose this job. These fluids and waste products accumulate in the body, which can lead to kidney failure.

Advantages of performing a kidney transplant in Turkey

The kidney transplant process in Turkey has many features, including:

Facilitating some services, as many people find it difficult to travel in residence and movement, but Turkey provides this

Facilitating some services, as many people find it difficult to travel in residence and movement, but Turkey provides this

The cost of kidney transplant in Turkey is suitable for everyone.

The cost of kidney transplant in Turkey is suitable for everyone.

Turkey is distinguished by its specialized doctors, advanced equipment, and distinguished services.

Turkey is distinguished by its specialized doctors, advanced equipment, and distinguished services.

It includes a large number of health centers equipped with all the necessary facilities to provide all the patient's needs during his treatment journey.

Turkey also includes a large number of surgeons and specialists in various medical fields.

Turkey is the first centers in the world to perform various surgeries, especially kidney transplantation

 Chronic kidney disease is a major health concern, and when kidney function declines to a certain level, patients develop end-stage renal disease and need either dialysis or a kidney transplant to sustain their lives. In this article we will talk about kidney transplant in turkey.

What are the symptoms and Causes of chronic kidney disease?

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease and kidney failure vary between people. The symptoms can be one or more of the following:

  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Poor concentration.
  • edema, especially around the ankles, face, or hands.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Dry or itchy skin.
  • Poor appetite or the food may taste metallic.

Causes of kidney failure

  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart disease.
  • family history of kidney diseases.
  • Abnormal kidney structure.
  • Black race.
  • Age 60 years and above.
  • Taking pain relievers for a long time, including non-prescription painkillers such as NSAID.


What is a kidney transplantaion in turkey?

A kidney transplantation in turkey is a surgical procedure that involves taking a healthy kidney from a donor and placing it inside the body of a person whose kidney is no longer working properly.

Conditions for kidney donation

  • Age over 18 years.
  • Good health and good psychological state.
  • Compatible blood type.
  • Normal Kidney function.

You cannot be a living donor in the following cases:

  • You are under 18 years old.
  • Heart diseases, diabetes, or cancer.
  • You have chronic kidney problems.
  • You have any conditions that might jeopardize your health by donating a kidney (e.g., pregnancy, underweight).


Kidney transplant in Turkey


Where do we get the new kidney?

The kidneys to be transplanted may come from living donors or from deceased donors who chose to donate their organs before death. on average, a transplanted kidney lasts about 10 years.

Kidney donors are carefully screened to ensure they match for the recipient. This helps prevent complications.


What are the requirements for a kidney transplantation in turkey?

In general, there should be the following:

  • Terminal kidney failure and undergoing dialysis.
  • Late stage of chronic kidney disease, with the need for dialysis approaching.
  • Average life expectancy is five years and above.
  • Complete understanding of post-operative instructions.

Tests to find out if you are suitable for a kidney transplant in turkey

  1. Blood tests: to check your general health, blood type and tissue type.
  2.      Antibody tests: If you have any antibodies in your blood that may make it difficult for you to have a transplant. Antibodies to foreign tissues can form if you have previously had a blood transfusion, pregnancy or transplant. Once these antibodies form, they are very difficult to remove.
  1. Heart tests: such as electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, stress test (exercise ECG or myocardial perfusion test).
  2. Ultrasound: The kidney is usually transplanted into the iliac fossa. You may need to have an ultrasound scan of the blood vessels (arteries and veins) in your lower abdomen to make sure that there are no problems.


Complications of kidney transplantation in turkey

  • Infections: Minor infections, such as urinary tract infections, colds, and flu, are common after kidney transplant in turkey. Infections may be more serious, such as pneumonia and cytomegalovirus, which may require hospitalization.
  • Blood clots: Clots can develop in the arteries associated with the donated kidney. It is estimated that this occurs in about 1 in 50 kidney transplants. It may be possible to dissolve blood clots with medications, but it is often necessary to remove the donated kidney if blood flow stops. There is also a risk of blood clots in the legs, this is called deep vein thrombosis.
  • Narrowing of an artery: Narrowing of the artery connected to the donated kidney can occur after a kidney transplant. Sometimes, it can develop months or even years after the transplant. Narrowing of the arteries can cause high blood pressure. A small metal tube called a stent may be placed inside the affected artery to prevent it from narrowing again.
  • Ureteral obstruction: The ureter can become obstructed after a kidney transplant. It can become blocked by blood clots or after several months or years by scar tissue. It may be possible to open the ureter through a small tube called a catheter. Sometimes surgery may be needed to open the ureter.
  • Urine leakage: Sometimes, urine may leak from where the ureter connects to the bladder after surgery. This usually happens within the first month after the procedure. Fluid may accumulate in the abdomen or leak through the surgical incision. If you leak urine, you will usually need surgery to fix it.
  • Acute rejection: Acute rejection means that the immune system suddenly starts attacking the donated kidney because it recognizes it as foreign tissue. Despite the use of immunosuppressants, acute rejection is a common complication in the first year after transplant, affecting up to 1 in 3 people. In many cases, acute rejection causes no noticeable symptoms and is only detected by a blood test. If this occurs, it can often be treated successfully with a short course of more powerful immunosuppressants.
  • Immunosuppressive side effects: Immunosuppressants work to prevent the body's immune system from attacking the new kidney. A combination of different immunosuppressants is often taken for a long time. These can cause many side effects, like:
  1. Increased risk of infections.
  2. Increased risk of diabetes.
  3. Blood pressure increased.
  4. Weight gain.
  5. Abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  6. Excessive hair growth or hair loss.
  7. Swollen gums.
  8. Bruising or easy bleeding.
  9. Osteoporosis.


Kidney transplant in Turkey


Benefits of kidney transplantation in turkey:

  • Increased life expectancy.
  • Most patients have a better quality of life.
  • No need for dialysis.
  • Fewer restrictions on what you can eat and drink.
  • Improves sexual life and increases fertility.


What prevents you from having a Kidney transplantation in turkey?

Kidney transplant in turkey are approved on a case-by-case basis. However, there are some general factors that may make a person ineligible for a kidney transplantation in turkey, such as:

  • A serious health condition that makes it dangerous to undergo surgery.
  • Repeated infections.
  • Short life expectancy.
  • Drug or alcohol abuse.


What happens during a kidney transplantation in turkey?

A kidney transplantation in turkey involves placing a healthy kidney in your body, where it can perform all the functions that a failing kidney cannot.

Your new kidney is placed in the lower right or left side of your abdomen where it is surgically connected to nearby blood vessels. Placing it in this position allows the kidney to connect easily to the bladder and blood vessels. The new ureter is linked to the bladder to allow urine to go out of the body. In most cases, the surgeon will leave your diseased kidney inside your body. However, there are three conditions that may require removal of old kidneys:

  • Infection that can spread to your new transplanted kidney.
  • High blood pressure caused by native kidneys.
  • Urinary Reflux (return of urine to the kidneys)

On average, a kidney transplantation in turkey takes two to four hours to complete.


What happens after a kidney transplantation in turkey?

Most people spend about three days in the hospital after having a kidney transplantation in turkey. This way, your medical team can monitor you closely and make sure you are recovering well.

Your new transplanted kidney may start working right away. Or you may need dialysis temporarily until it starts working. You will also need to start taking immunosuppressive medications to prevent your immune system from rejecting the new transplanted kidney. The surgical scar will be approximately 2 to 5 inches long, on the right or left side of your lower abdomen.

After a kidney transplantation in turkey, you should be able to return to work and normal activities within a few months.


What instructions can you do during the recovery period?

It is important that you follow any instructions that your doctor gives you. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous physical labor for at least six to eight weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid driving a vehicle for at least six weeks after the transplant.
  • Do stretching and walking exercises. And other exercises such as jogging, hiking, cycling, tennis and swimming. All of these things can help you regain your strength and you can start gradually after the surgical incision has healed. Avoid sports that require physical contact because they may cause injury to the transplanted kidney.
  • Avoid eating certain foods such as: undercooked meat, fish, and poultry, unpasteurized dairy products, undercooked eggs, unwashed or damaged raw fruits and vegetables, and canned foods.


What is the best age for kidney transplant in turkey? How many operations can you perform?

While most kidney recipients are between the ages of 45 and 65, there is no upper age limit. However, to ensure the best results, your doctor will likely look for a donor close to your age.

people may have two or three or four kidney transplants in their life.

Although the number of kidney transplant performed each year increases, the waiting list continues to grow. One of the most important centers concerned with kidney transplant in turkey is Medicsey Center, which is equipped with the latest technologies and the most important specialists. If you want to know about kidney transplant cost in turkey call us.


Read more: bone marrow transplantation in turkey

                    Liver Transplant in Turkey 

Kidney transplant
When should you contact the doctor after a kidney transplant in turkey?

After your kidney transplantation in turkey, you will meet your doctor regularly to monitor your condition. However, if you feel any of the following symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately:

Fever of 37.8°C or higher.

New pain around your kidney

Flu-like symptoms including chills, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting

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