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Lens Replacement Surgery in Turkey | Medicsey

Lens replacement surgery in turkey is one of the eye surgeries that aim to correct vision and treat focusing problems. and it has many features that make it very desirable among vision-fixing surgeries. So don’t miss out on the blessing of clear vision.

Art Of Remedy
Lens replacement surgery in turkey pros:

There are many benefits you can get if you undergo lens replacement surgery in turkey:

You will get rid of the possible risks that may be associated with laser eye surgeries, in which they fix the cornea, and that could lead to possible side effects. Another thing is that with lens replacement surgery, the recovery time is quicker.

You will get rid of the possible risks that may be associated with laser eye surgeries, in which they fix the cornea, and that could lead to possible side effects. Another thing is that with lens replacement surgery, the recovery time is quicker.

 You will regain your lifetime’s clear vision, and above all, you will get rid of the reading glasses and contact lenses forever. Another thing is that you won’t have any cataracts after that because the synthetic lens can’t get old like the normal one.

You will regain your lifetime’s clear vision, and above all, you will get rid of the reading glasses and contact lenses forever. Another thing is that you won’t have any cataracts after that because the synthetic lens can’t get old like the normal one.

 The success rate of lens replacement surgery in Turkey at Medici Clinic exceeds 95%.

The success rate of lens replacement surgery in Turkey at Medici Clinic exceeds 95%.

You deserve the best

Always take care of yourself and your health, and remember, if you are not healthy, you can’t live a happy and comfortable life. The blessing of looking is one of the best blessings that we have, so you deserve to enjoy it.

Very wide successful rate

Almost 95% of people achieve optimal results after lens replacement surgery in turkey. Another benefit is that it could be used for people who have genetic problems with vision.

Don’t hesitate to ask about anything

 We can assure you that the medical staff in medicsey will educate you with all the information you need in order to be assured about the surgery.

What is lens replacement surgery in Turkey?

Lens replacement surgery in Turkey has become one of the most common procedures, making it a popular option for many people with vision problems. Medicsey offers high-quality services at competitive prices compared to many other centers.



The surgery types of lens replacement surgery in Turkey 

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE):

Also known as refractive lens replacement, clear lens exchange (CLE) or clear lens surgery.

In the process, they remove the natural lens of the eye and replace it with an artificial intraocular lens.

This procedure is used for the following situations:

  •  Presbyopia (progressive loss of the ability to see nearby objects with age).
  •   Hyperopia or farsightedness (loss of the ability to see distant objects clearly).
  • People with very thin cornea.
  • It is commonly used for patients over 40 years of age who are not suitable for LASIK or PRK.
  •  Used to repair nearsightedness or nearsightedness (loss of ability to see objects close up clearly) when patients cannot undergo LASIK or intraocular lens (PIOL) surgery.

You can get refractive lens exchange turkey at Medicsey at affordable prices. 

Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation (PIOL): It includes another type which is called Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL).

In this operation, they use an artificial lens made from synthetic plastic and put it into the eye along with the natural lens, which remains in its place; they are positioned either in front of the iris or behind it.

Implantable Contact or Collamer Lens (ICL): It’s a type of PIOL. In this operation, they place the new lens on top of the natural lens and behind the iris.

Cataract surgery: It involves the same operation as refractive lens surgery; the difference is that the lens that is removed is cloudy because of the cataracts.

The patient here will not suffer from cataracts in the future because they can’t form on an artificial lens.


lens replacement in turkey


Types of lens in lens replacement surgery in Turkey 

  • Intraocular Lens types:   

There are three types of these lenses, and the choice will be made according to the eye condition:

Monofocal lenses
This type of lens is the most widely used type of cataract lenses.

Features of monofocal lenses in Turkey
Monofocal lenses in Turkey have many features, most notably: 
• Focus on one fixed distance.
• Provides a clear view of long distances.

Cons of monofocal lenses 
• It does not help to see nearby objects clearly.
• The patient may have to wear prescription reading glasses to help him.

Multifocal lenses
It works by collecting light that enters the eye from near, medium and far distances, and focusing it on a single focal point on the retina.

Advantages of multifocal lenses in Turkey
Multifocal lenses in Turkey have many features, most notably:
• You can see objects at different distances, providing close, medium and far view through a single lens.
• This type of lenses is the latest in the world of intraocular lens implantation,
• It dispenses with the use of eyeglasses.

Disadvantages of a multifocal lens
Multifocal lens implants have some drawbacks, namely
Patients suffer from the appearance of some bright rings around the lights during the night. While the patient does not see her during the day.
But do not worry, lens implantation in Turkey at Medicsey will give you all the care you need.


lens replacement surgery in turkey


Corrected lens for astigmatism 
This type of cataract lenses is mainly used to treat astigmatism patients who suffer from blurred vision due to irregular surface of the cornea or lens, this condition may occur to some people also after a cataract operation,
Features of corrected lens for astigmatism in Turkey
Provides a clear view of all distances, near and far, without the need to use eyeglasses or contact lenses

Trifocal lenses in Turkey
Features of Trifocal lenses Turkey

• One of the advantages of trifocal lenses in Turkey is that it is an ideal alternative to eyeglasses that are used after cataract surgery.
• Used in vision correction, as the patient can see objects at long, medium, and close distances clearly using a trifocal lens without the need to wear or use eyeglasses.
• An excellent treatment to correct refractive defects and permanently get rid of the eyeglasses.
• Significantly improves the eye in terms of visual and practical performance of the eye.

Cons of a three-core lens
The patient may see halos around the lamps and the inability to lead a normal life during the night, but with the highly experienced doctors of Medicsey, there are no defects or complications.

  • Phakic Intraocular Lens Types:

There are two types of these lenses, and both of them will make the patient get rid of glasses or contact lenses.

EVO vision ICL: It’s the most popular type. The lens is made of collagen co-polymer and placed in front of the natural lens, behind the iris.

Verisyse: It’s placed in front of the iris and used to treat moderate to severe myopia.

Lens Replacement Surgery in Turkey


Benefits of lens implantation in Turkey

Artificial lenses implanted inside the eye have many advantages, namely:

  • Treatment of monofocal vision impairment such as shortsightedness or farsightedness.
  • Treatment of sudden visual impairment.
  • Treatment of multifocal vision impairment, such as cataract.
  • Treatment of astigmatic low vision, a condition of blurred vision.
  • Intraocular lenses come with a lifetime guarantee, ensuring enduring quality and vision..
  • It does not cause dry eyes, unlike other vision correction procedures.
  • Lens replacement Surgery in Turkey is affordable compared to other countries.

lens replacement surgery in turkey


Who is eligible for lens replacement surgery in Turkey?

Actually, not all patients are suitable for lens implantation in Turkey. In order to be able to undergo eye lens replacement surgery in Turkey, you must:

  • Be older than 21 years old.
  • Not suitable for laser eye surgeries as a result of thin corneas.
  • Be in good overall health
  • Not have any existing infections in the eyes.
  • Not have any allergies to anesthetics.
  • Not have HIV, an autoimmune disease, herpes, hepatitis C, or diabetes.
  • Not be taking immunosuppressant drugs.
  • Not have a pacemaker.
  • Not have had retinal detachment or severe eye trauma in the past..
  • Not have any other eye problems like glaucoma or uveitis.


lens replacement in turkey


How eye lens replacement surgery in Turkey is performed?

  • The specialist will apply anesthetic and pupil dilation drops and clean the space around the eyes 45 minutes before the lens implantation operation .
  • The surgeon will make a tiny incision in the surface of the eye so that the new lens can take its place. The eye lens replacement surgery in Turkey takes about 20 minutes for both eyes.
  • At the end of the operation, the eye will be covered with a protective shield, and the patient is recommended to rest for at least 30 minutes before returning home.


What happens after eye lens replacement surgery in Turkey?

  • The anesthetic will wear off in a few hours after the surgery, and the patient may feel a little discomfort and pain in the eye, which should go away in no more than 36 hours. The doctor will prescribe some eye drops and medications to prevent any infections or inflammations in the eye.
  • The vision might be blurry for the first few days, but it will improve during the first month, and the final recovery should be achieved several months after eye lens replacement surgery in Turkey.
  • The patient must revisit the doctor several times after the lens replacement surgery in Turkey. The first visit is 1-2 days after the surgery, the second visit is 7-10 days after the surgery, the third visit is 4-6 weeks after the surgery, and the fourth visit is 3-6 months after the surgery.


lens replacement surgery in turkey


What to do after lens replacement surgery in Turkey?

  • You must avoid swimming and showers for at least one week after the operation.
  • You must not do contact sports (boxing, football, wrestling, etc.) for at least a month. On the other hand, you can resume non-contact sports (going to the gym, jogging, etc.) the day after the surgery under one condition: not raising your blood pressure a lot.
  • You must not touch the eye and protect it from any dust or anything else that might get into it.
  • You must keep the eye from getting tired from long hours of watching TV or working on the computer.
  • You must avoid driving for a few days after the surgery, according to the doctor’s instructions. 


lens replacement Turkey reviews

We review with you the experiences of Medicsey patients who underwent lens implantation in Turkey. One patient tells his experience about lens replacement surgery in Turkey, saying:
"My experience with lens replacement surgery in Turkey was good."  The problem of farsightedness always exposed me to embarrassment, especially when I could not recognize people from a distance. I used eyeglasses for 10 years, and I changed them from time to time.

 At multiple checkups and evaluations, it became clear that contact lens implants were the best option to improve my vision. Through the details provided, I realized that this process was the right step for me.
The time I spent inside the operating room was full of tension and anticipation, but the excellent and professional surgical team gave me support and absolute confidence. They treated me with hospitality and developed a meticulous surgical plan to ensure my success and safety.
After the operation, I felt some temporary pain and swelling, but the constant care of the medical team contributed to alleviating these symptoms and speeding up the healing process. I received the necessary instructions on eye care, the use of drops, and periodic monitoring.


Lens Replacement Surgery in Turkey


lens replacement surgery Turkey cost

Lens replacement surgery in Turkey is becoming increasingly popular day by day, making it a popular option for many people with vision problems. Medicsey offers high-quality services at competitive prices compared to many other countries.

Turkey has a very high level of extensive experience of its doctors, the infrastructure of its hospitals, and the medical services it provides. In addition, lens replacement surgery cost Turkey is affordable compared to other countries . Here are some of lens replacement surgery turkey cost and comparing it with other countries:




2000 Pound




Is lens replacement surgery cost Turkey worth it?

There are many advantages provided by lens replacement surgery in Turkey:

  • Significant improvement in vision, with results that last a lifetime, as these lenses do not degrade with age
  • According to the type of lens, the patient will get rid of glasses and contact lenses and won’t need them forever.
  • The recovery time is short, and the patient will regain clear vision quickly.
  • Lens replacement surgery in Turkey is a great solution if you are not suitable for other procedures.
  • The cornea in lens replacement surgery in Turkey won’t be touched, so there won’t be any problems related to it.
  • The lenses are flexible and soft, so they won’t cause any disturbance in the eyes, which makes lens replacement surgery cost Turkey worth it.


Is lens replacement surgery in Turkey expensive?

Lens implantation surgery in Turkey is generally more affordable than in many other countries, making it a cost-effective choice for those seeking vision correction. Additionally, while the procedure might be slightly more expensive than other vision-fixing surgeries, the overall cost remains very reasonable, especially at Medicsey.


Lens Replacement Surgery in Medicsey

We all know that the eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, so we need to take very good care of them. Here at Medicsey, we ensure you that we can provide you with the best medical staff and equipment for lens replacement surgery in Turkey. The medical staff of lens replacement surgery in Turkey at Medicsey provides the patients with all the information they need to know before the lens replacement surgery in Turkey and to will stay in touch with our team after the procedure until full recovery. We believe that health is the most precious treasure that people have, and we take very good care of it. As for the eye lens replacement surgery cost in turkey, it's affordable for everyone through Medicsey.

In conclusion, we have provided you with the comprehensive guide on rle surgery Turkey Or what is known as Reflective lens exchange. Book a free consultation now with Medicsey  via WhatsApp and get all the help you need in lens implantation in Turkey.

Read more Laser eye surgery in Turkey

Lens Replacement

Lens replacement surgery cost turkey varies from case to case; it depends on several factors, such as:

The patient will have many tests in order to assess the condition of the eye before undergoing in lens implantation in turkey ; these tests include digital imaging of the eye, corneal thickness, computer-measured glasses prescription, internal eye pressure, and iris recognition. In addition to discussing their general health and lifestyle. By then, the doctor will know if you are suitable for lens replacement surgery in turkey.

• If the patient wears contact lenses, they should be removed long enough before the consultation and operation according to the type of the lenses. (soft and disposable lenses two days before, soft toric or astigmatic and extended-wear soft lenses one week before, and hard lenses three weeks before).

The surgeon will assess the eyes 1-2 weeks before the lens implantation in turkey operation in order to choose the suitable lens type.

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